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16. Affidavit of Desistance

Draft an Affidavit of Desistance in a criminal case for acts of lasciviousness. (Exclude the jurat) 5%

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Republic of the Philippines )
______________________) SS
I, _____, Filipino, single, with residence at _____, under oath allege:
1. That I am the complainant in Criminal Case No. __ for alleged "ACTS OF LASCIVIOUSNESS" against accused _____, which case is pending before the Regional Trial Court, Branch _____;

2. That I signed the aforesaid complaint against accused _____ against my will, my signature in the complaint having been obtained through force done to me by my parents;

3. There is no truth to the allegations contained in my sworn statement executed by me against my will on _____ at _____, taken by _____;

4. I therefore respectfully request that the above-mentioned case filed against said _____ be dismissed as in fact I now withdraw my complaint against him and I further manifest under oath that I am now desisting from testifying against him in Court or in any other government entity or agency in connection with the said criminal case.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this _____ at _____, Philippines.